🌿 Inspiration for a Sustainable Future
In a world grappling with the urgent call of the climate emergency, we strive to make sustainability not just a buzzword but a tangible, accessible reality for everyone. The vast sea of numbers and information can be overwhelming, often leaving many disengaged. Our mission is to bridge this gap, making sustainability a journey that’s not just vital but also delightful.
🚀 Revolutionizing Sustainable Living
Introducing our innovative web app that encapsulates a myriad of tools empowering individuals to weave sustainability into their daily lives effortlessly:
🌐 Sustainable Route Planning
Embark on a journey with purpose. Input your origin and destination, and let our app chart the greenest route, minimizing your carbon footprint. Sustainable living starts with every step you take.
🍃 Green Gastronomy
Elevate your dining choices. Specify your location, and our app unveils restaurants with a commitment to sustainability. Discover eco-friendly options that tantalize your taste buds and nurture the planet.
☀️ Solar-Roof Mapping
Unleash the power of the sun. Our program generates maps showcasing the solar potential of rooftops in your vicinity. Not just that, it provides a budget-friendly roadmap for solar panel installations—maximizing impact, minimizing investment.
🛠️ Crafting the Future with Technology
Our technological symphony encompasses:
Backend: Crafted with Python and deployed seamlessly with FastAPI on the powerful Google Cloud App Engine. A harmonious dance of technologies that ensures efficiency and reliability, accessible through React using fetch.
Frontend: Using a mixture of typescript and javascript (and cors 💀) to make a responive and dynamic UI.
🏆 Tracks and Triumphs
🌱 Sustainable Solutions & Best Sustainability Hack
Our project is an ode to sustainability, aiming to seamlessly integrate eco-conscious choices into the daily lives of all.
☁️ Best Use of Google Cloud
Navigating the vast Google Cloud ecosystem, we harnessed the power of APIs like SolarAPI, Routes API, Geocoding API, and more. Real-time data and captivating visualizations were woven into our solution hosted on the robust App Engine.
🎨 Most Creative Use of GitHub
Witness our journey through commits in our repository, accompanied by an awe-inspiring Read.ME hosted on GitHub Pages. Every line of code, a brushstroke painting a picture of sustainability.
🌐 Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry
Our commitment to sustainability extends to our domain—sustanaible.af, a testament to our dedication to a sustainable future.
🚧 Overcoming Challenges, Achieving Milestones
🌌 Challenges Faced
- CORS Conundrum: Navigating CORS hurdles, our mentor’s guidance proved invaluable. Overcoming permissions issues, we seamlessly connected the backend and frontend, transforming challenges into triumphs.
- API 101: Getting into knowing how API’s worked, the paramerts, the return values and how to implement them in different frameworks
🏆 Proud Accomplishments
In the face of challenges, we triumphed:
- Solar API Mastery: Unraveling the complexities of Solar API, we delved deep to extract layers, applying transformations to craft a comprehensive map of solar potential.
- Layout Templates: Getting a great layout that resembles the efficnecy of the style in the web page
📚 Knowledge Gained
The journey was a rich tapestry of learning:
- Google Cloud Mastery: The Google Cloud platform unfolded its complexities, and we embraced the challenge. From API parameters to responses, we emerged adept, turning the unknown into the known.a
🌟 What’s Next for Sustainable AF
The journey doesn’t end here. Our roadmap includes:
- Expanding Solar Insights: Dive deeper into solar solutions, exploring advanced features and integrations.
- User-Driven Enhancements: Continuously refine and enhance the user experience, making sustainability intuitive and engaging.
Join us on this transformative journey as we pave the way for a Sustainable AF future! 🌍💚